Saturday, August 4, 2007

Who's Compelling...Mine or His?

A portion of Oswald Chamber's devotional today reads:

Naturally, our ambitions are our own; in the Christian life we have no aim of our own.
There is so much said to-day about our decisions for Christ, our determination to be Christians,
our decisions for this and that, but in the New Testament it is the aspect of God's compelling that is brought out.
"Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you."

I know there is no end to the fleshly desires my heart holds, it is what I call, "a bottomless pit." My Lord's hands deliver me daily from myself, and what the natural man in me desires.
This is my reminder today of God's leading, and total control of the Christian's life, of my life!
It is a mystery to me where God will lead me, but I know that I have no reason to fear, for I am in the same hands that delivered me from death, and eternal separation from Him.
Praise God, there's more to the Christian life than what we have as of yet, here on earth!
My hope can only be in my eternal future with our Father in Heaven...where my retirement lies...


Mrs. H said...

Good reminder - quite humbling, really. It's not any about us but all b/c of His love that He reached down and rescued us from our imperfections and our tendencies to rely on our imperfect selves over Him!

Help meet said...

mrs. h, thanks for stopping by!
I appreciate your comments. I'll have to check your blog soon as we return from Youth Camp!