Thursday, August 2, 2007

Great Christian Women

I have done some reading on historical biographies of christian women lately.
The book, Great Christian Women of the Faith, by Edith Deen, was full of many stories of christian women, most who I had never heard of before. It's not really a book you read from front to back, but more of a reference type book. I've had it for a few years, and learn a new story about a model christian women every time I pick it up (very inspiring)!
Tonight, I found an article on Susanna Wesley, by Beverly Whitaker, MA, She tells of Susanna's life in a first-person style, as if Mrs. Wesley is telling the story herself (which really draws me in!).
Susanna Wesley was the mother of nineteen children of whom nine survived including John and Charles Wesley. Call me emotional, but I can barely read about all ten of her children dying, many as infants, without having a cry. She taught her children for six hours a day, six days a week! Her husband Samuel Wesley was a bit of what now-a-days we would call a "dead beat." She spent time with God for an hour every morning, and after her ninth child was born, for two hours every morning, (wow!)
I then read a little about a christian wife and mother, Anne Bradstreet. She was a Puritan woman who is known for being the first American poet. Her writings are wonderful, full of emotion and faith.
So, anyways, I feel like I've just discovered a chest full of gleaming treasures. I can't wait to read more stories that I never learned growing up, about great christian women.

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