Thursday, October 25, 2007

Trucks, trucks, trucks!

Okay, I admit it, I'm lost when it comes to the world of toy trucks (and real for that matter)!
My little son happens to love any and every truck, toy or not!

I try to talk, "truck talk," and make truck noises when we play...but I know I am so lacking!

Thats why I love when my dh comes home at the end of his long day, grabs a truck, and enters into truck world with our son!

I'm in the kitchen at the moment, laughing to myself at all of the truck dialog that so easily flows from my husband! It's like he hasn't missed a beat since his own childhood! I love having such a great Papa around...what would we do without him!


Jess Connell said...

I, too, find myself lacking when it comes to truck play. I HAVE gotten somewhat better over the last 4-ish years. But I still don't even come close to the natural skills that my husband, like your husband, just innately has in that department.

I heard a message by John Piper a while back where he was talking about how clueless he was, after 4 or 5 sons, when his daughter started wanting to play with him and he'd ask what she wanted to play- and she said, "let's play people, daddy." And he's like, "OK, people... how do we play that?" And so she goes, gets her dolls, sets up the house, sets them around the table, and he's like, "OK, now what?", and she says, "we talk." It was hilarious to hear him talk about what a learning process that was for him- no blowing things up, no car crashes, no fighting, etc... just "people". :) It's how I feel about trucks. "OK, now what?"

;) Funny post. I can totally relate!

Help meet said...

Thanks! It's nice to know other people can relate, and that I'm not the only one who's not so great at, "trucks!"
I love the story you shared! It's so funny to think of all the Dad's out there trying their very best to play, "people!" (he, he)
I'm sure it's one most every parent can relate!

Sharon Lynne said...

I am blog surfing, and I stumbled across your blog. May God bless your family as you serve His people! (Hope the Christmas Pageant goes well.)

I have 2 boys (alot older) and even now, it's better when dad spends time with them! As they get older, they don't want to play with mom!